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Dear Prof. Shi:


 收件人:  "'Shi Zongdao'" <shizd0664@vip.sina.com>

 日期:    Sun, 21 Nov 2004 20:47:19 +0800

 主题: RE: ask for a summary for participating res.
I'm sorry to reply so late but I haven't checked my mailbox until today, so
I made a general summery here about my participation in research projects
during undergraduate study, hopefully it's not too late for you and Prof.
Shi Bing to review and process all the materials.

1.Time: 2001-2002
Event: I was responsible for some work in Chinese National Cochrane Centre, partly in charge of evaluating a new antihistamine drug (Phase three evaluation assigned by Chinese Food and Drug Administration).
Director: Prof. Li Youping

2.Time: 2003
Event: Review the current advances of cartilage tissue engineering. Paper was published on Foreign Medical Sciences (Stomatological series) 2003;30(6):432-4)
Director: Prof. Tian Weidong

3. Time: 2004
Event: Review the dental diagnostic utilities of storage phosphor imaging system. Paper was published on Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 2004; 14(8): 468-71
Director: Associate Prof.Wang Hu and Prof. Zhu Zhimin

4. Time: 2004
Event: Review the recent high-quality evidences published in dental journals in the field of prosthetic dentistry, in hope of providing solid proof for prosthetic specialty to refer to.





By 贾刘合










1.   靶向抗菌多肽研究 Lab of Transplant ImmunologyDirector Prof. Xiaoqing Qiu  Paper: 抗耐药金黄色葡萄球菌工程多肽. 四川大学学报(医学版). 2003;34(4):605-9. I was a coauthor for this paper.

2.For setting up Chinese literature on RCT/CCT in dental and oral an maxillofacial surgery for Chinese Cochrane Center: 手检工作及文章审校

3. One chapter in the book edited by Professors Shi Zongdao and Yi Xinzhu, which will be possibly by th Peoples Health Publishing House: 颞下颌关节紊乱病心理治疗的评价, for which I was the first author



Yang Gao

 Abstract of the article has been sent to IADR (International Association of Dental Research) 83rd session (to be held in 2005 in Maryland, USA) committee to review.
Director: Prof. Zhu Zhimin

5. Time: 2004
Event: I was responsible for composing one chapter (Congenital TMJ Disorders and Evidence-Based Therapy) of the book Evidence-Based Tempromandibular  Disorders (Yi Xinzhu, Shi Zongdao chief editor, Evidence based diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular diseases, hopefully will be published by  People's Health Publishing House in 2005).
Director: Prof. Shi Zongdao

I am very grateful that so many professors have given me these precious opportunities to get to contact with dental researches, in which I am really interested. And it's been of great pleasure to work with these professors who offer great help to me, and I do hope I could do more work in certain
areas of dentistry in the future.

If hard copy of this material is required, I could print it out and hand it to you when you are in the clinic this week.

Best regards
Sincerely yours: Lei Yu

 寄件人:  "LeiYu" <leiyulion@sohu.com>