
WCHS Collaborates with Sao Tome and Principe Medical Team for Charitable Health Service Initiative

Members of the 18th batch of the Chinese medical team in Sao Tome and Principe embarked on an 18-month foreign aid medical mission in Hospital Central Ayres de Menezes. Deputy Chief Physician Dr. Yang Bo Yang and Nurse Yi Wang Yi from West China Hospital of Stomatology (WCHS) joined the medical team, and they were affectionately praised as “angels in white from China on the island countries of the Gulf of Guinea”.

Taking action on World Malaria Day

On April 25th, World Malaria Day, the Chinese medical team in Sao Tome and Principe contributed to health aid efforts with an event titled “Sao Tome and Principe Taking Action for World Malaria Day.” This initiative, led by China’s Malaria Prevention and Control Advisory Group, took place at the Health Research Institute of the University of Sao Tome and Principe.

The China’s 18th medical team provided free clinical treatment and health consultation for local teachers and students. Dr. Yang and Nurse Wang put in great effort in educating the local people on oral health and provided standard check-ups, as well as tailored advice and treatment options. These medical services have greatly contributed to improving people’s awareness and practices in oral health care and have been highly praised by residents.

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Community Response and Reflections

Notably, Dr. Yang received a handwritten letter of thanks from a local patient called Evera Mambo, who expressed her deep appreciation and gratitude for the superb diagnosis and treatment technology of the medical team. This instance was vivid proof of the selfless love and persistent commitment of Dr. Yang and the Chinese medical team to advancing local root canal therapy and helping the communities combat endodontic diseases.

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Our hospital’s teams in Sao Tome and Principe remain committed to embodying the ethos of the China Foreign Aid Medical Team—embracing challenges, eager to serve, devoted to healing and saving lives, and driven by limitless compassion, and the contribution to the advancement of oral health.