WCSS Hosts IADR Academy on Reconstruction and Regeneration of Oral and Maxillofacial Hard Tissues

News Events 2022-10-11

The International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Academy, themed with "Reconstruction and Regeneration of Oral and Maxillofacial Hard Tissues", was successfully held online by West China School of Stomatology (WCSS) on June 21st, 2022.

In the opening ceremony, Professor Ye Ling, Chairman of the IADR Academy, gave a warm welcome to scholars from all over the world. Dr. Eric Reynolds, President of IADR, Dr. Christopher Fox, CEO of IADR, and Professor Guo Chuanbin, President of Chinese Stomatological Association attended the meeting and delivered speeches. The opening ceremony was presided over by the executive chairman of the conference, Professor Shen Jiefei. In the keynote speech, Academician Wang Cunyu from the University of California, Los Angeles, Academician Chai Yang from the University of Southern California, Professor Paul Sharpe from King's College London, Professor Hiroshi Egusa from Tohoku University, Professor Cao Tong from the National University of Singapore, and Professor Ye Ling of WCSS were invited to make a novel report in-depth view of contemporary cutting-edge issues and latest advance in this field. In the seminar, Professor Fengxiaodong, Professor Shiyu, Professor Zhao hang shared their latest findings and research experience. The IADR Academy focuses on the frontiers of dental and craniomaxillofacial research, providing an open and interactive platform for academic masters and distinguished scholars, and is widely acclaimed.


IADR Academy was held in conjunction with the 100th global annual meeting of the IADR this year. The IADR annual meeting is the world's most influential academic meeting in the field of dental research. In the course of the IADR annual meeting, experts and scholars from WCSS served as the sub-chairmen and organized in forums and seminars on dental implant, pediatric dentistry, etc. More than 80 students and teachers from WCSS were invited to give lectures and poster presentations, and some of them were awarded a number of international academic awards such as the Williams J. Gies Award for 2021. 

WCSS would like to thank all the speakers and attendees who gathered online to collectively contribute to the development of dentistry, making the 2022 IADR Academy great success and an unforgettable event.